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Frequently Asked Questions

I get so many people asking (or jumping to conclusions) about certain aspects of me and my life, that it was easier to add some FAQ points. If you still want to ask something then drop me an email via the Contact Page.

Who are you?

I’m Matt. Also known as MJ, M, etc..etc.

How old are you?


During my time on Earth, and not necessarily in any order….

John Lennon was gunned down, there were the Falklands and Gulf wars, Virginia Wade won Wimbledon. Thatcher came, there were Poll Tax riots, Thatcher went, the first Star Wars film was released, we had the biggest heatwave, Grange Hill started, Channel 5 was launched. Elvis Died, the Sex Pistols shocked the world, Blair came, we went to war, Blair went, we went to war, Britain left the EU, Donald Trump become President of the United States, and I merely was.

That give you an idea?

Where are you?

With the internet location is truly universal. It’s now available on your MacBook, smart phone, tablet, TV, or on a mates PC. So I am where I am, and that’s usually here, or there, or anywhere.

Are you gay?

The last time I checked I was.

But you won’t find me discussing it incessantly or ‘bigging’ it up. Its just a very small part of the person that I am.

Unlike many I am not consumed by my being gay. If anything you will find me getting fed up of other people who continually ‘push’ the fact that they are gay and that everyone must be made aware. Why must everyone be aware?  Everyone’s sexuality is private and should remain so.

PS, Gay is only in my social media bios due to the fact some believed I was not gay. However adding this to my social media accounts seems to have puzzled many.

Why no photos of you?

There are no photos. Why? Because people cannot be trusted.

The first thing the offended brigade go for when you disagree with them is your image. They will plaster is everywhere. Because they are immature little people who cannot handle someone else saying something that goes against their own thinking, outlook and beliefs.

The illustration you see on the about page is a fair and accurate representation of me.

What do you sound like?

Have a listen and make your mind up.

Why are some of your tweets shocking

Shocking ? We are going to have to disagree there, which we can do.

I like to think my views are different, polite and balanced. I like to even up and find balance in the topsy-turvy world we live in. If the world wants equality, we should have real total equality.

I do like being controversial, it makes things entertaining and gets debates started. Being polarizing means for every enemy you make you gain a devoted fan. When you remain neutral and try to appeal to both sides, you offend no one but also aren’t remembered by anyone.

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