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Social Media – Having That Different Opinion

It is somewhat sad that my first blog has to be about my social media experience, of having a different view from the rest of the crowd.

I never feel the need to mention the G word, and the only reason it is mentioned in my twitter profile is so that I cannot be accused of being a ‘homophobe’ or having ‘ Internalised homophobia’ (Where do they get these phrases from?) as the rest of the gays believe. Don’t you find that word overused? And how can a gay person be a homophobe by just having a different view? I am confused.

So we have got that out of the way that I am g*y, one other thing you should know if that I have Asperger’s, which I see as a great gift. I have a photographic memory. I am a walking encyclopaedia and satnav, I also remember loads of stuff, much to people’s annoyance.

I have three parts, three characters, three personae. Me who sees himself as a little creature; Myself who is the most logically serious of the three; I who smiles to his reflection in the mirror.

I’d like to say that I am just your general average guy who tries to get on with everyone but sadly not really. Being different is good, I don’t want to be the same as everyone else. That’s just boring.

I love being controversial makes things entertaining and gets debates started. Being polarizing means for every enemy you make you gain a devoted fan. When you remain neutral and try to appeal to both sides, you offend no one but also aren’t remembered by anyone.

I distance myself from the baying LGBT Mob, who insist on giving the rest of us g*ys a bad name by targeting certain people, like Printers and Bakeries knowing full well that these places have said somewhere that they have some kind of religious beliefs. This is totally unacceptable behaviour.

I don’t follow the g*y crowd, and have often be referenced to as the ‘Gay Black Sheep’ as I walk in a different direction to the majority of all the other gays. However I have since found that I am not the only one here, so I cant be doing anything wrong.

Lets take some hot topics that I have found myself involved with on social media recently.

The Gay Cake Story, with the Irish Bakery

I fully support any private business that isn’t publicly funded or publicly owned to make its own decisions on who it wants as its customers or clients and to choose for example if it wants to make a certain type of cake, as for suing them for being made out to be ‘less of  man’ well that is just pathetic. Just accept some people don’t agree with us, what we are or what we do. Turn around and find somewhere else to get your cake made. It is really that simple.

Gay Pride banning UK Independence Party:

I don’t stick with a particular party, I will vote for whoever will do something I want or something I think will do good.

By getting peoples backs up by this sort of behaviour we are not going to get their support. Which brings me on to London Gay Pride, how dare they ban The UK Independence Party, are they afraid of different opinions? Afraid that some may or may not agree with Gay Marriage or with migrants with HIV coming here. What’s the problem here?

The Mob continually say they we gays shouldn’t be bullied, I agree, but with that, they gays shouldn’t bully others for simply saying what they feel or believe, or for not wanting to do something they don’t feel comfortable doing. We have free speech, which should be whatever anyone wants to say.

If someone takes offence at me, then just block me and go away, don’t speak to me again, don’t keep harassing me on social media or getting others to do it as that just makes you a bully (and also maybe a stalker) something which gays are constantly going on about happening to them. It seems bullying is not okay unless the gay activists are doing it. How hypercritical.


Hi I’m Matt, I tweet far too much, take far too many photos, I speak as I find, which means you properly wont like me, which doesn't bother me in the slightest.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Great blog Matt. It’s refreshing to read a down to earth, balanced view on life with a touch of humour and without demanding respect or screaming for attention. I look forward tp your future blogs.

  2. You wouldnt defend a muslim bakery that refused to bake a gay cake ya pillock.
    U claim u are being bullied yet u condone bullying of gaysn

    1. No one should be forced to do something, or make something to support and or promote something that they do not agree with. Forcing someone to go against their will is itself a form of extremism.

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