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The Trouble With Speaking Out – Some Will like – Some Will Not

I suppose this post follows on from my previous one Social Media – Having That Different Opinion

I have locked my Twitter account for now after receiving what I class as a future threat of action against myself. This lock will stay in place until the matter has been resolved. The authorities are aware.

For speaking out, and giving my side of things I find myself on the end of abuse from the power hungry LGBT with their forked tongues out giving me a lashing on how dare I say something different and not tow the line.

Well its not just different, its how I feel and what I see. All those tacky rainbow profile photos almost gave me an epileptic fit. A politically correct colour-rush, with no pot of gold at the end but one of fuel to feed the fire of the LGBT train, that is now in motion, with no intention of stopping until its ran everyone out of town.

I tweeted earlier a short while ago in the year about Extremists, and how The Education Secretary, seems to think that children should be recorded for having ‘extremest thoughts’ if they say anything negative about gay people or gay lives.

Forcing someone to have an opinion that goes against their will is itself a form of extremism.

All those tacky rainbow profile photos almost gave me an epileptic fit. A politically correct colour-rush, with no pot of gold at the end

Uniformed Police should not participate in Gay Pride Marches, they should Police them, they are to be impartial. I’ve complained to numerous forces, but they don’t seem to know how to deal with a Gay person who believes this…

Someone’s sexuality is there own private business. It should not be broadcast, it should not be taught. School is not for these types of thing. This didn’t happen in my day, and I’ve done fine.

I am happy for anyone to say anything, excluding violent, libel comments, people should be able to air their views, and those that don’t agree with them, have the right of reply, but do not have the right to take away that persons voice and silence them.

As a kid I was always told if I didn’t like something someone said, just walk away and don’t bother with them, if someone doesn’t want to be your mate or share something, or make you a cake, walk away, keep your self-respect and dignity and find some that do. These days the snowflakes cant do that, they have to get aggressive.

Since posting my previous piece on Social Media Comment I have also found support, some has come from the most unexpected sources, some has come from other gay people who think the same but are afraid to speak out, that is how I used to be, not any more. I have had emails asking me to write pieces and to feature in interviews, as people seems to see me as the ‘new thing’ as gay man that doesn’t follow the flock of sheep.

People fought and died for people to live freely and to have the chance to speak what they feel, it feels this maybe soon taken away from us, but these men and women shall never have died in vain, we must see to this. Stand with me, I don’t care whether your white, black, brown, green, straight, gay, or what. Stand firm against the tide that approaches us, the tide to take away comment sense and your right to say what you think! I shall continue saying what I think and what I believe, its called having a democracy.

Thanks for the support. It feels good, to know what I feel isn’t wrong and isn’t bad.


Hi I’m Matt, I tweet far too much, take far too many photos, I speak as I find, which means you properly wont like me, which doesn't bother me in the slightest.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Another great blog Matt. I’m with you 100% on the right to have and voice an opinion, no matter how original or independent that opiniin might be. I’m looking forward to your next piece. Keep up the good work and spreading the word.

    1. Matt has implied that migrants set fire to the glenfell tower flat, in response to a gay celeb presenting baftas he said why can’t they get someone fr normal society , said migrant dinghies can deflate if u shoot them and hoped in another tweet that the British were not plucking drowning migrants out of the sea. He said black actors clearly can’t act or sing so don’t get nominated, Twitted Shucks to sky article abt 100 migrants being feared dead after boat capsized, said that BBC dumped anyone who speaks clear English on its sports news channel when he spotted black news presenters, poor women was the response for him abt the women who stabbed her son 20 times after he told her he was gay. He twitted to avoid Italian wine as u never know what diseases these invaders have it was article abt refugees working in vineyards, in response to hearing young lads taking abt some young girls body he says at least their perents can be thankful they are not gay, he gives out abt every celeb he sees on the telly. This is hate racism and it’s vile

    1. Gay is in my Twitter bio for one reason and one reason only, to stop idiots calling me ‘homophobic’. A gay person cannot be ‘homophobic’ just a black person cannot be racist.

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